Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Day to Day Living in Poland

So for the past 9 months I have been teaching English in a town called Radom, south of Warsaw. Here are some things that I learnt during my stay.

1. People lead a simple life here. A roof over your head, family, a job - what more do you need? This might be from the communism days, but I appreciated it nonetheless.

2. Cost of living is relatively low, depending on where you buy your groceries and shop for clothes. Many people like supporting their local grocer, most probably because its usually cheaper than chain stores.

3. Thrift shops are common here and it's quite normal to go shopping for something on a Saturday morning.

4. Poland is 90% Catholic, which means Sunday is reserved for mass and family. Most shops are closed on this day except for maybe shopping malls.

5. Women like to dress smartly. Never without panty hose and usually always with high heels. Women here like to dress well and take pride in themselves.

6. Most young girls don't dye or cut their hair but prefer to keep it long with just a fringe. Though its also popular, once out of school, to shave the side of your head. Or for guys (and scarily enough, some women) to grow a mullet and, wait for it, dread it. That killed me -_-

7. It's common to get married and start a family young. I find this weird and strange and can't imagine doing it at my tender, youthful age of 23.

8. Poles don't like the Russians. Don't talk about them, don't try speak the language, just pretend they don't exist. The older generation are quite racist about it. Communism - you ruin everything.

9. Public transport is great! I prefer to walk but the bus and tram system work really well. Taxis might rip you off though if you're not careful but I've had only good experiences.

10. Vodka. Need I say more. Na zdrowia!

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