Sunday, January 5, 2014

What 2013 Taught Me

Open your eyes, look within.
Are you satisfied with the life you're living?
Bob Marley

Without a doubt, 2013 was the craziest and most memorable year of my young life so far. I have cherished and regretted, broken hearts and had mine broken, travelled to 25 amazing cities and lived in 2 different countries.
I've never really believed that people can change, no matter how much I wanted to, but I think that when so many experiences happen in such a short amount of time, one can alter their views of themselves and on life. Here's what 2013 taught me:

1. You have to be true to yourself. People are always going to get hurt by our choices. You will be hurt by theirs. Such is life! Everyone has their own path to take and if we are not true to what we want then we damage ourselves far more in the end.

2. Regrets are sometimes a good thing. Without the little ones, how do we know what it is we truly want. There is nothing worse than being stuck between two decisions you're going to regret either way. Choose the one that will hurt the least and deal with the consequences.

3. If you don't constantly challenge yourself, your life becomes complacent and can be detrimental to your happiness. Take that first holiday alone in a foreign country, read that book that looks too hard to understand, learn that language that interests you.

4. We always say that we have time; we'll do it in the future. I'll go on that road trip next year. I'll start that course in the new term. I'll tell him I love him next time I see him. Well, friends, family and strangers, I say fuck the future! Do it now. Challenge yourself now. Be happy now!

5. The people that want to be in your life make that little bit extra effort to be in it. Those friends that send you Christmas cards when you live so far away, the friends that want to skype you to see how you are, the ones who visit you when you're home for a short time. Friendships that are worth having are worth maintaining. I love the people I have in my life. I'm grateful for them every day. I started living by this little saying this year; quality life means quality people.

6. It's okay to be a little bit selfish. This year I stopped putting my needs and wants second to everyone else. It's all about balance. Don't forget that you are important too. Some people sacrifice so much to give to those that are less than grateful. When do you draw the line and say that enough is enough?

7. If you don't do what makes you happy, what's the point of your life. I found my pure joy in travelling. I decided to make it happen. I wish people would just grab the bull by its horns and do what they want in life! If not now, when?

8. Have goals. Without them, we lose our sense of purpose. With no direction, how are we to know what we have accomplished? Ambition and determination drives us to make our dreams a reality.

9. Don't let society judge you. We all have this preconceived idea of what we're meant to think, meant to look like, meant to wear, meant to be. Stop it! Just stop it. Be a little weird. Wear those crazy orange pants. Get that tattoo. Listen to that music. Whatever you want to do that makes you happy, just do it! Dance in the middle of the street. Talk randomly to a stranger. Just be yourself. It makes life way more interesting.

10. Lastly, and this took me a while to figure out, and I'm talking to you. YOU. The person who took the time to read this to the very end about the ramblings of a random someone somewhere on this earth, whether you happen to know me or not. You are constantly growing; evolving to become the best version of yourself every day. With every good and bad decision you make. Every trial and tribulation. Love yourself. If we do not love ourselves, this trippy ride we call life isn't as cracked up as it's meant to be.

To 2014! And all its new adventures...


  1. So true, Aurelia ! And amazingly written, hugs from Germany, Yvonne

  2. Beautiful, you are an inspiration!!

  3. I am so proud of you my darling.
    And I am so glad to know you! And I know you because of your courage!
    Love, Kat.
